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Litigation Support and Expert Witness Services

Crashed Car
Personal Damages

Our team has experience providing services in the following areas of damages in personal cases:


  • Employment and Labor 

including wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, wage and benefits disputes, and more

  • Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice

  • Wrongful Death 

Using our professional and academic experience, our team will project future earnings levels, mitigating income, bonus and other benefits, business profits for self-employed Plaintiffs, income and benefit growth rates, discount rates, life- and worklife expectancies, value of household services, personal consumption levels, and more.

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Commercial Damages

Our team has estimated damages in the following types of cases:

  • Breach of Contract/Contract Dispute

  • Unfair or Wrongful Competition

  • Intellectual Property Infringement

  • Business Disparagement

  • Insurance Claims

  • Business Interruption

  • Real Estate/Construction Disputes

Our team has considerable experience projecting business revenues and expenditures for litigation support, feasibility, economic impact, and other purposes.  We have access to reliable industry and business data, as well as experience providing economic studies for numerous industries. 

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Other Services

In addition to quantifying economic damages and providing expert witness testimony in regard to these damages, EEC provides the following litigation support services:

  • Review and critique of opposing expert reports

  • Deposition and trial questions for opposing expert witnesses

  • Assisting in formulation of case strategy

  • Familiarity and experience working with experts in other fields (medical, rehabilitation, engineering, construction, and more

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Our team is skilled in the areas required for a valid, accurate, and reliable economic damages analysis, including micro- and macro-economics, econometrics, financial analysis and projections, public finance, economic and fiscal impacts, data research and analysis, data projections, market and feasibility analyses, loss of earnings, and earning capacity.

Dr. Larmore has considerable experience working with both plaintiffs and defendants.  With our years of experience in the area of economic damages, our use of peer-approved methodology, and our testimony experience, EEC provides an integral tool in economic damages cases.

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